Challenge and Support

At Victoria Park the curriculum and other programs are designed to provide opportunities for students to extend their learning by developing the student’s breadth of knowledge and skills as well as depth. Teaching and learning programs reflect the expectation that our highly able students have the ability and desire to be challenged through a broad education. We adapt the curriculum within the classroom at point of need to ensure each child has an opportunity to reach their potential. Following are extension programs are able to selected students through the school.


The Primary extension and Challenge (PEAC) caters to the special learning needs of gifted and talented students. It is a part-time program for children in Year 5 and 6. Children are tested in Year 4 and are selected to participate in a range of innovative and challenging programs offered in a variety of ways. Children are withdrawn from regular class to attend PEAC programs. Victoria Park Primary School students belong to the South Metropolitan Education PEAC region. For more information on PEAC, please go to the PEAC website (


Every year around July/August we offer an opportunity for our students to sit the Australian Mathematics Competition.  A good number of students at Victoria Park Primary School have done very well over the years and it gives our students an opportunity to apply their mathematical and problem-solving skills, while competing for awards and prizes. 

SIMS Music

The Department of Education’s School of Instrumental Music services over 400 primary and secondary Western Australian Government schools and at Victoria Park talented music students from Years 3 to 6 are offered Trumpet as an option to develop and hone their music skills.