We believe that all students are successful in STEM when:
- Problem solving and critical thinking are explicitly taught through purposeful and real world programs;
- All components of the technologies learning area are integrated into authentic learning contexts;
- Play, and inquiry practices, are evident in our educational programs;
- Knowledge of all cultures and the needs of our planet empower our students to build a more cohesive and sustainable society;
- They are encouraged to learn and reflect in a cooperative and supportive environment that fosters resilience; and
- Learning is visible and higher order thinking, reflection and feedback is valued.
Our STEM vision is to develop our students as good problem solvers and global sustainable citizens through the provision of real world opportunities.
Our whole school approach to STEM involves inquiry based learning in Science, Technology and Mathematics. Our focus is to explicitly teach students to think inquisitively, critically and creatively and to be good problem solvers. All these skills help our students to become global citizens and provide them with the knowledge and skills to deal with an ever changing world.
Our school-wide STEM focus in our classrooms
In science we are learning to ask questions and understand the world around us. Our science programs are inquiry based and based on the National Academy of Science Program – PrimaryConnections . Our focus in Science from Pre-Primary to Year 6 is to teach elements of biological, physical, chemical and earth and space sciences to our children. See the Western Australian Curriculum: Science for more details.
In technologies we are learning to think like engineers. We have school wide focus on creative and critical thinking and inquiry learning, where students are explicitly taught higher order thinking skills. The Technologies curriculum consists of two areas Design and Technology and Digital Technologies (coding is a component of this curriculum). Coding (a series of ordered steps taken to solve a problem or achieve some end; achieved in a digital or non-digital format) is being trialled in different ways in classes across the school.
The Western Australian Curriculum: Technologies learning area comprises two subjects Design and Technologies and Digital Technologies. All students study both technologies subjects from Pre-primary to Year 6. For further information please see Technologies Curriculum. Technologies is also being integrated across the school in outdoor play areas through ‘Loose Parts Play’ and through whole school design and technologies projects.
In maths we are learning to be good mathematical problem solvers. Our focus in maths from Pre-Primary to Year 6 is to teach students how to understand, reason and solve problems in the areas of number and algebra, measurement and geometry and statistics and probability.
We are learning to be innovative and confident users of IT in an ever-changing digital world. Our teachers integrate and embed ICT into learning experiences across the curriculum. ICT is one of the general capabilities of the WA Curriculum. Please refer here for further details..
Victoria Park Primary School’s ICT strategic plan articulates the school’s pedagogical approach to ICT and digital technologies, which ensures that classroom technology is maximised and expertise is provided throughout the school to support learning while building digital literacy (Business Plan 2019 – 2023)
STEM is a big focus for the Education Department, so for further information and resources go to https://www.education.wa.edu.au/stem