Victoria Park Primary School Parents and Citizens Association, known as the P&C, is a school based organization whose membership consists of parents, teachers and interested citizens. The P&C has two main roles:
- to promote the interest of the school by bringing parents, students, citizens and teaching staff into close co-operation; and
- to assist in providing resources, facilities and equipment to the school through fundraising.
The P&C raise funds for the purpose of donating them to the school. By doing this everybody in the school community benefits from having more – especially our children. This enables much needed equipment and extra resources to be purchased. Many parents donate their time and skills to help our fundraising team.
Any member of the Victoria Park Primary School community can become a member of the P&C and it costs $1 per family per year to join. We encourage contact from parents – especially if you have suggestions. You can even remain anonymous and we will present your information for you.
The P&C meets twice each term on Monday night at 7.00pm in Weeks 3 and 8. Our Annual General Meeting is held on the first meeting of the year and at this meeting all positions on the P&C are declared vacant.
News and Events
To keep up to date with news and events from the P&C please like and follow the Victoria Park P&C Facebook page
Second-hand Uniform Shop
Second-hand uniforms can be purchased on-site at the uniform shop. Sales are currently on Friday Assembly mornings from 8:30am to 9:00am and all items are $5 each. You can find our assembly dates on our calendar.
If you have any second-hand uniform items you would like to donate to the school, please leave them at the school office or drop them in to the uniform shop on Friday Assembly mornings.