Our focus is on providing learning opportunities that allow children to achieve their potential. Support is allocated both within the classroom and/or using withdrawal programs. These programs ensure all students are able to work at their own level and achieve success. Special assistance is organised at the point of need.
At Victoria Park Primary School, we believe that:
- All children have the right to achieve their potential.
- All children have the capacity to learn.
- Early identification of learning difficulties will result in better outcomes for students at educational risk.
- Early intervention is the most effective strategy when dealing with children at risk.
- Children learn in different ways, rates and times.
- Monitoring of student progress should be regular and on-going.
- Strong partnerships between home, school and external agencies benefit students’ development
Students at Education Risk (SAER)
Students at educational risk are those who have been identified, through a range of diagnostic tools and assessment data, as not meeting the expected standards. The On Entry testing in pre-primary is one means of identifying such students who can be followed with further testing in subsequent years (years 1 to 6) to determine the effectiveness of intervention programs. The school maintains an inventory of students who have been identified as being at educational risk.
Individual behaviour programs and individual, or group, education plans and programs are prepared for SAER students. SAER students, with the appropriate diagnoses, may receive an allocation of Education Assistant time through funding provided by the Disability Resource Funding system.
For further information from the Department about Students at Education Risk refer to https://www.education.wa.edu.au/children-with-special-educational-needs
Our Support Programs outside of the classroom
School Psychologist support
As required, a Deputy Principal will contact parents/caregivers to organise case conferences with the School Psychologist. The case conferences are a mechanism where the parents/caregivers, teacher, Deputy and/or Principal and School Psychologist can work together to identify and discuss strategies that help your child reach their potential.
Supporting children with reading
At point of need we offer access to Letter and Sounds (Yrs1 to 3) and Decodable Reader (Yrs1 to 6) small group or one on one sessions. Children are Identified through diagnostic assessments and teacher referrals and parents are notified when their child is offered a place in these programs. These programs are evidence based intervention programs that build children’s speaking and listening skills and their reading accuracy and fluency.
We also have the Support a Reader program where Curtin University student’s volunteer to listen to the students read. This is coordinated through our EAL/D program.